Sometimes Dreams Do Come True

Join Our Special Webinar on May 17th!


Webinar Registration


Friday, May 17, 2024

Time [Selected Session Time]

Spanish: 18:00 - 19:00 Madrid Time
German: 19:30 - 20:30 Berlin Time
English: 12 noon PST/ 1pm MST/ 2pm Central/ 3pm EST/ 10pm Cyprus

Don’t worry if you’re in a different time zone; use this link to convert to YOUR time zone!

In this special 1-hour webinar, we will reveal the details of two groundbreaking projects:

Sometimes dreams do come true!

We are deeply grateful for Dr. Hamer’s Germanische Heilkunde (GHk), the most wonderful gift of the gods to mankind. 

Many have asked, “what is necessary to make the full potential of Germanische Heilkunde accessible to everyone worldwide?”

In 2010 Helmut Pilhar was appointed by Dr. Hamer as a lecturer in Germanische Heilkunde Theory at the University of Sandfjoerd. It was a great honor for him and he pursued this life’s work of making Dr. Hamer’s gift of the gods accessible in all languages, with heart, courage and passion, until the last minute when he left us Aug 31, 2022.

The GHk Pilhar Academy will continue to pursue this task in his spirit. Our gratitude for Helmut’s achievements is immeasurable. 

It was Dr. Hamer’s dream and Helmut Pilhar’s most fervent wish that “… when the crocuses should blossom ”, that Germanische Heilkunde should come to the people so that this unique knowledge could be disseminated and properly applied.

Based on this principle, we are thrilled to share with you that the time is NOW! 

We have made much progress on our next important steps, the “expanded vision”, and wish very much to share with you what it means for all of us together who love Dr. Hamer.

Please join us for a special webinar on May 17, Dr. Hamer’s Birthday, to discover this expanded vision, the newest developments, and most importantly, what it will make possible for all of us!

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Erika Pilhar, Nikolaos Capetanis, & Giovanna Conti

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